Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Thing 14

Technorati - I liked it. I explored for quite some time. Matter of fact, this is my second experience with it in 23 Things. I thought the YouTube video was informative. It says it all, they "connect people to people" through blogs. Also liked what they said about the fact that blogs enable us to read what people really think/feel on any given topic rather than our being limited to reading what someone is paid to write about. I had never thought to search the blogs for a music or book review; now I will. My only disappointment is that I have tried to claim my blog on multiple occasions, only to have Technorati give me an error message. I have reported it as they say, but nothing happens. Guess I will keep trying.

Again, I have also seen the advantages of tags to organize my interests, and reading. Plus they enable me to read from those with similar interests. Overall, this was a time well-spent.

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