Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thing 22

I am not one who is caught up with social networking . . . my 3 daughters all love Facebook and show me things there from time to time. I certainly see its usefulness and effectiveness: my girls all keep up with friends and acquaintances from high school, college, and beyond. I know social networking is hugely popular. Nings seems much more appropriate to me for educators. It does seem to provide that "neutral setting" that it speaks of. I do think if is a good way to encourage students to talk and collaborate on topics. I looked at the Future of Education site in detail. The Classroom 2.0 with the Beginner Group seemed interesting. I will remember this and may follow it in the future. Honestly, I am not certain I will use Nings. But it is nice to know it is available and a good forum for questions and answers with other educators.

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