1) What were some of my favorite discoveries?
There were more than just a few favorites. I truly feel that I learned and acquired Web 2.0 tools that will have a direct impact in my classroom. I plan to put my Rollyo on my syllabus and give it to parents on their copy at Open House. I also plan to create and use Wikis with my students and parents. Teacher Tube - what an amazing new tool for me. Now I know where some of my colleagues have gotten such neat, effective videos. I also discovered the numerous uses of Google - I had no idea that Google Docs, Google Alerts, etc even existed. I love Google Earth and was familiar with it. Flickr, Dumpr, Library Thing, and Photo Story 3 were among my favorite discoveries - all of which I will continue to use. As you can see, my list is long, but I do love them all!
2) How has this assisted or affected my lifelong learning goals?
I have always considered myself to be a lifelong learner. At the end of each teaching year, I re-evaluate and reflect on what I have learned that year. I think every effective teacher must be a lifelong learner; however, we must continually acquire new skills and accept new challenges to foster this goal. This program has forced me to extend my learning curve and acquire new technology skills (which I needed) and get me out of my comfort zone. Because of all the new "things" I learned this summer, I will continue to "push my technology enveolpe" during this school year and push and challenge my students in new ways. Kudos to all of you for offering us this opportunity!
3) Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outomes from the program?
Yes!!! I had no idea that I would learn exponentially as I did this summer. My skill level on the computer and with technology has grown at an amazing rate. My knowledge of blogs and their purpose and the sheer number of them, my knowledge of Web 2.0 and all that it offers, and my realization of the vastness of the Internet, the many new teaching tools I have acquired are all a result of this program. I had no idea of what I did not know before these 23 Things. This has made me a more educated, effective teacher.
4) What can you do differently to improve this program's format or concept?
The program is fantastic! My suggestion would be for you all to publicize it better. Thanks to our librarian at MHS and her several emails about 23 Things, a bunch of us decided to participate. As I ran into friends over the summer in the district and mentioned to them what all I was learning, I found that they had never heard of this opportunity. So, I think you need to "push it" more. Some of our rave reviews should make others want to participate. Also, you monitored all we did so well. Whenever, I had a question or problem, Vaughn seemed to be right there ready to help. Wow! I really feel this program should be a requirement for all teachers in the district.
5) Would I participate in another discovery program like this?
Most definitely. One of the best facets of this program is that it is offered over the summer and is self-paced. You can learn and work through as your schedule permits. I taught 2 semesters of district summer school and still finished in July. I never felt pushed for time or pressured - it was enjoyable and gave a tremendous sense of accomplishment. I am proud of all I have learned!
6) Describe in one sentence this learning experience:
Incredible, FUN, exponential learning!
7) I will now comment on blogs! And, thanks again for this incredible journey!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Thing 22
I am not one who is caught up with social networking . . . my 3 daughters all love Facebook and show me things there from time to time. I certainly see its usefulness and effectiveness: my girls all keep up with friends and acquaintances from high school, college, and beyond. I know social networking is hugely popular. Nings seems much more appropriate to me for educators. It does seem to provide that "neutral setting" that it speaks of. I do think if is a good way to encourage students to talk and collaborate on topics. I looked at the Future of Education site in detail. The Classroom 2.0 with the Beginner Group seemed interesting. I will remember this and may follow it in the future. Honestly, I am not certain I will use Nings. But it is nice to know it is available and a good forum for questions and answers with other educators.
Thing 21
This is my new favorite "thing!" Once again, I had no idea that I could ever create a photo story of my own. How much fun this will be as a classroom application of my Algebra 2 students discovering ellipses down on the floor using string and my Precal PreAP's working in groups when Trig is new, etc. PhotoStory 3 is easy to use and fun to work with. I had trouble adding background music when trying to copy it from my ITunes, but once I used Windows Media Player, everything fell into place. This is another incrdible tool for us as classroom teachers to use to make learning fun and exciting.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Thing 20
I was already familiar with You Tube and had seen videos on other people's 23 Things from Teacher Tube, but had never used it. I love Teacher Tube! I found so many great videos that can be used in class or to have playing as kids come into class. I had much difficulty adding my Got Math video and ultimately had to enlist the help of a friend. Lucky for me, she was successful in helping me add it to my blog. Teacher Tube one more "thing" I will really use. I was able to save several of these videos to my favorites so that I can easily show them on my ActivBoard.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Thing 19
So many of these Web 2.0 award winners were fun to look at. I am familiar with several already . . . Urban Spoon, Google Maps, Twitter, YouTube, etc. But I decided to explore Hosted Wikis since I became interested in using a Wiki when we posted a blog on them earlier. I created an account in both PB Works and Wikispaces - not certain which one I will use yet. Wikispaces has a tutorial that is wonderful - hands-on examples making it easy to use. I am leaning toward this one because of this tutorial. I am going to use the wikis I create with my PreAP Precal students this year. I think it is a great way for students to collaborate on challenge problems or homework, to communicate with parents, post assignments, and the list goes on. This is one of the many "things" that I feel can have an immediate, strong impact in my classroom. Now the task is to organize all of this new knowledge and incorporate it. It is exciting!
Thing 18
I explored both of these online tools. I did not know they were available - can see many uses for them. For example, if not on your own computer, Google docs would be a good way to take notes, etc. and save for later use. I still think I will use Word primarily. I am accustomed to it and have all of my documents there. However, I did enjoy working with Google docs. I explored the various templates they have available. I created some things for my Precal Class using their blackboard template. It is a "look" for a document for me. Google Docs is one of the things I will use and explore throughout this next year.
Thing 17
Rollyo can be of great use in almost any classroom. Our SBISD teacher's video on Teacher Tube was an invaluable source for understanding Rollyo and for facilitating the set-up of my own custom search engine. I also viewed other SBISD blogs about this thing for ideas . . . Sue's Things has a great Rollyo link to hers. With all of this inspiration, I did create my own Rollyo for SmithCounts. I plan to use it as a resource for my students this year who have questions about PreCalculus or Algebra II. It will be available as an online tutorial, a question/answer place, or just a convenient way to further explore topics we are studying. My link is below. http://www.rollyo.com/SmithCounts/smithcounts/
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Thing 16
I thought the information on Wikis was clearly presented and easy to understand. The fact that anyone can edit and add to a Wiki makes it a great tool. I can see application here for my math classes. It seems like an easy way to involve students and their ideas and comments as they progress through a challenge problem or a project. The PB Wiki video was particularly helpful. I loved his example of a wiki with his syllabus attached as well as a shared calendar. This is something I really want to use with my classes this year. The idea of having students blogging and updating information and sharing discoveries and knowledge on my Wiki is exciting. I've learned so much this summer and have so many ideas. What great ways to keep the kids engaged and plugged in to class!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thing 15
With every new "thing" I explore, I realize again how massive the information is that is available to us on Web 2.0. Accordingly, I think libraries must change in order to be relevant. The video on TeacherTube was eye-opening, but not really. I think all of us as high school teachers realize how hooked and technology savvy our students are. I found the accompanying article by Michael Wesch fascinating . I, too, have had the experience of thinking my students were "engaged" in class and then later found out they were, but not with me and my topic. Back to Libraries 2.0 . . . definitely a realization that it no longer makes sense to have only printed materials in a library. With the seemingly endless information available on the web, users/students/instructors do need access to digital collections. Librarians seem to be developing more into the role of facilitators and guides on how to find and access needed information on the web. Additionally, that access needs to be available from multiple locations such as homes, coffee shops, bookstores, as well as libraries. I also found it interesting that libraries are considered as conversations and collaberations. The more I explore Web 2.0, the more I learn.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Thing 14
Technorati - I liked it. I explored for quite some time. Matter of fact, this is my second experience with it in 23 Things. I thought the YouTube video was informative. It says it all, they "connect people to people" through blogs. Also liked what they said about the fact that blogs enable us to read what people really think/feel on any given topic rather than our being limited to reading what someone is paid to write about. I had never thought to search the blogs for a music or book review; now I will. My only disappointment is that I have tried to claim my blog on multiple occasions, only to have Technorati give me an error message. I have reported it as they say, but nothing happens. Guess I will keep trying.
Again, I have also seen the advantages of tags to organize my interests, and reading. Plus they enable me to read from those with similar interests. Overall, this was a time well-spent.
Again, I have also seen the advantages of tags to organize my interests, and reading. Plus they enable me to read from those with similar interests. Overall, this was a time well-spent.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Thing 13
This was an interesting discovery exercise for me on bookmarking and tagging. I really think an English or History teacher might find this more useful in the classroom than I would as a Math teacher. That being said though, I, too, could have my students research and create a shared reading list using a unique tag as mentioned on the Delicious podcast. It would be easy for all to post to that tag. I investigated Digg and found it kind of different - not what I expected. I do not anticipate using tags in the near future, but am glad to know of the Delicious site and have "bookmarked" it as one of my Favorites. I can see that it could be a very useful site.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Thing 12
I truly have been so busy and intent on working through my "23 Things" that I lost sight of commenting on other blogs. I must admit that I am definitely a "lurker." That term does not have a positive connotation to me. I simply enjoy viewing other 23 Thingers Blogs and reading to compare their experiences with the 2.0 with mine. I never really thought anyone would be interested in my thoughts about their Blog . . . it is kind of a diary to me. I have definitely made it a goal to comment and to respond timely with my comments. I know I must be challenged . . . but I am having difficulty responding to comments without going to personal email. Oh well, I guess I will figure it out.
As I read all of the prelimenary info about comments, I noted the following: invite comments, ask questions that warrant a response, and be polite. Also, interact with your commentors. I have made a concentrated effort to comment and respond to my commentors. Again, I have been so immersed in the tasks that I have lost sight of all of this.
I have visited the following Blogs (to name a few) and commented on many: Laptoplearner, MHS Broadcasting, April Musings, Pinkie Blogger, Sue's News, and Trout's 23 Things. I always learn and laugh at their comments and observations.
I searched many topics again on Blog Search, among them photography, books, sports, travel, etc. I am now following Stef's Sketches. Stef is an Art Director at Walt Disney Co. in LA - such a fun Blog! Also, I am following Avignon in Photography and several others. I continue to say how vast all of this information is on the web and Blogs. And to think . . . I didn't even really know what a Blog was until this summer.
As I read all of the prelimenary info about comments, I noted the following: invite comments, ask questions that warrant a response, and be polite. Also, interact with your commentors. I have made a concentrated effort to comment and respond to my commentors. Again, I have been so immersed in the tasks that I have lost sight of all of this.
I have visited the following Blogs (to name a few) and commented on many: Laptoplearner, MHS Broadcasting, April Musings, Pinkie Blogger, Sue's News, and Trout's 23 Things. I always learn and laugh at their comments and observations.
I searched many topics again on Blog Search, among them photography, books, sports, travel, etc. I am now following Stef's Sketches. Stef is an Art Director at Walt Disney Co. in LA - such a fun Blog! Also, I am following Avignon in Photography and several others. I continue to say how vast all of this information is on the web and Blogs. And to think . . . I didn't even really know what a Blog was until this summer.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Thing 11
I was surprised that I found Library Thing so interesting. I really did not anticipate that I would use this, but as an avid summer reader, I will use it. It really is a giant book club. I joined, explored and added some books to my list. It's nice to be able to find books so easily by author or title, to see the recent activity, and to see what type books people are reading.
Thing 10
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Thing 9
Investigating and locating the various blogs and feeds was interesting. I really liked Technorati! The headlines were concise and good. The layout of the site was colorful and easy to navigate and inticed me to explore . . . I found everything from stocks to Iphone to photography, plus much more. I like the "What's Percolating in Blogs" and "Today in Photos". Blog Finder is great. I added some blogs I found and these sites to my Google Reader. I also liked the Cool Cat Teacher Blog; it is a good resource to have. Technorati is definitely my pick though.
What I did not like . . . Syndic8 seemed useless to me. . . kind of a listing of feeds. I also will probably not use the School Library Blogs either. Atomic Learning was fine - it is a good "how to" site. I notice in math is uses some of the tools we already have and use like the old Geometry Sketchpad. Topicx.net was good for local news, but, again, I have other sites that I prefer there.
I will definitley use the Glog Finder as well as Google Blog Search - found lots of interesting blogs there. The vastness of information available to us through all of this never ceases to amaze me! Narrowing all of it down and choosing what is best is the daunting task.
What I did not like . . . Syndic8 seemed useless to me. . . kind of a listing of feeds. I also will probably not use the School Library Blogs either. Atomic Learning was fine - it is a good "how to" site. I notice in math is uses some of the tools we already have and use like the old Geometry Sketchpad. Topicx.net was good for local news, but, again, I have other sites that I prefer there.
I will definitley use the Glog Finder as well as Google Blog Search - found lots of interesting blogs there. The vastness of information available to us through all of this never ceases to amaze me! Narrowing all of it down and choosing what is best is the daunting task.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Thing 8
RSS Feeds . . . sounded complicated . . . had read other sb blogs where people said they had some difficulty here. Surprisingly, once I read what the acronym represented, it made sense. I like being able to have my favorite news sites, items of interest and blogs organized and handy in one readily accessible place. I have also, once again, discovered some new sites that I really like: The Big Picture, The Kitchn, La Tartine Gourmande, and the list goes on.
RSS feeds is a quick, organized way to be able to view headlines and read the ones you want or are interested in. I can see real uses for this in the classroom by finding feeds on a topic that applies and having students keep up with it. It's also a wonderful way to get students talking and sharing meaningful information that they obtain about a specified topic.
RSS feeds is a quick, organized way to be able to view headlines and read the ones you want or are interested in. I can see real uses for this in the classroom by finding feeds on a topic that applies and having students keep up with it. It's also a wonderful way to get students talking and sharing meaningful information that they obtain about a specified topic.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Thing 7
Google has so much more than I imagined. I am already very familiar with Google and use it all the time, but I had no idea of its extensive capabilities. Google Earth is amazing and addictive. I viewed a Google Earth Hubble telescope presentation last semester and was in awe. I am so glad to learn how to use what it offers. I investigated Google Earth and somehow focused in on our area of Texas, clicked on 3-D buildings and traffic and found everything from Arby's locations to Reliant Stadium to I-10. Oh for the time to sit and play with all of this! I also created 2 different alerts on Google Alerts: one for Houston weather and another for my beloved Univ. of Texas Longhorn football. Google Calendar is another part of Google that I want to investigate further and begin to use.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thing 6

I enjoyed exploring this "thing", although it took me a while to get through all of it. There were so many different toys, etc to explore. I thought Mapper was interesting and nice to know about. One of my favorite parts was the Flickr Color Pickr - loved the opening color wheel. It reminded me of some of the shows about color on HGTV like Color Splash and others. I liked the Room Color Scheme and Paint Color Wheel. Flickr Toys had lots of great tools, some of which I boookmarked like Mosaics and Customized Jigsaw Puzzles. I even created a trading card of our Yorkie, Louie. I finally figured out how to post this image on my blog. Another accomplishment for me! Here he is! I am working with Mosaics and hope to post one of those on my blog also. Had no idea I could ever do all of this!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Thing 5
I really enjoyed exploring Flickr! Wow, what an interesting,fun site - loved all of the photos of all types. I could have spent way too much time here exploring, but will come back from time to time and do so. I will really use Flickr. Matter of fact, I created an account with Flickr, uploaded some of my pictures, tagged them, and linked to Qoop. Exciting! Until I began 23 Things, sadly, I had never even used "My Pictures" on the computer.
So, I have made much progress over this past week. Truly, I am proud and excited to have these new tools at my disposal. I am an amateur photographer, take tons of pictures, and am eager to do much more with this site. I can see potential uses for this in the classroom.
So, I have made much progress over this past week. Truly, I am proud and excited to have these new tools at my disposal. I am an amateur photographer, take tons of pictures, and am eager to do much more with this site. I can see potential uses for this in the classroom.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Thing 4
Well, I am officially registered for the 23 Things to get PDLC credit. I have 3 official posts prior to this one and can now officially "play" and begin my journey through emerging technology. I am ready to go and on my way!
Thing 3
Amazing . . . I actually created my blog. The steps on Blogger are clear and easy to follow. Actually, I am quite proud of what I did - I even added a few pictures from Italy to make my blog more attractive. As a Math teacher, I chose a name that connected with what I do. So far, so good.
Thing 2
I already consider myself a lifelong learner! I love to read, take and share photos, cook and create. I use technology on a regular basis . . . although I am reticent to leave my comfort zone until pushed to do so. I always incorporte what I have learned on the web into my teaching and lifestyle. These 23 things and blogging are just what I need to to this summer. I look forward to this new journey of discovery!
Thing 1
After reading the blog about the 23 Things, I am certain that I made the correct decision to participate. I look forward to exploring emerging technologies and being an active participant in the process, which requires accountablity on my part. It promises to be a fun experience which will definitley take me out of my comfort zone.
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